Homeschool Workshop
Monthly || Time TBA
Gather with other moms (and dads are welcome too!) as we discuss Charlotte Mason's written works. Ms. Mason is regarded as the Founder of the modern homeschool movement, but she wrote on more than just education. Her works have been used in parenting and child development classes, so these meetings are open to anyone working with children!
Monthly || Time TBA
Join us as we walk through the basics of the Christian Faith. this is a non-denominational Bible study that will explore all tenants of Christian theology with the goal of getting back to the basics of our faith through the absolutes of Scripture.
Charlotte Mason
Book Study
Constitution 101
The Journey
Art Workshops
Women's Q & A
Come to our Women's Q&A and dig deeply into your faith. This is an open format class for asking and exploring questions together from a Biblical worldview.
This gathering is for ladies and is hosted and moderated by HMH owner Kelsi Rea, as well as other female counselors and teachers in the Michiana area.
HMH will be hosting multiple classes throughout each month.
Scroll down to see some of the topics that we'll be sharing with the community...